Dr. Syed Saifuddin Ahmad Al Hasani Maizbhandari is actively vocal in the movement to create a greener earth.

Every year, Syed Saifuddin Ahmad Al Hasani undertakes a nationwide “Tree Plantation Program to Combat Global Warming and Climate Change.” Alongside this, he encourages everyone to prevent plastic pollution and use eco-friendly products. Whenever he has participated in international conferences in countries such as India, Turkey, Morocco, and Indonesia, he has called upon the international community to ensure climate finance for Bangladesh.

With the support of the Hazrat Syed Moinuddin Ahmad Maizbhandari Trust and the cooperation of the Anjuman and Moinia Youth Forum, he has expanded the tree plantation program from cities to villages. He also raises public awareness against deforestation. Each year, in response to his appeal, around 200,000 to 300,000 saplings are planted and distributed across the country. In 2024, he strongly urged his followers and everyone else to distribute at least five saplings annually.

The organization he founded, “Moinia Youth Forum,” which works with young people, won 2nd place in the “Sheikh Hasina Youth Volunteers Award 2020” for its special role in environmental protection.

For a personality like him, who has a direct or indirect influence on millions of people, this movement for a greener earth is undoubtedly a very significant example. If community leaders in various sectors take similar initiatives, it will be possible to engage people in the service of the country and its people, reduce inequality in society, and build an inclusive Bangladesh.

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